Thursday, March 31, 2005

Off the HOOK

Listen UP - This weekend, my gospel choir - the Chorale of Reconciliation is recording a LIVE cd at Heartquake. For those of you who don't know, this will be a city-wide praise & worship music night!!
So here's the 411. I would LOVE to see you there :)




(Peel Metro, Stanley exit, walk 1 street west and make a right onto Drummond)


@ 7:30PM

You don't need a ticket. There will be a free will donation during the evening. But come, because it's going to be OFF THE HOOK!!!

Wednesday, March 30, 2005

The best is yet to come

Seems like many people are very discouraged right around now. Oddly enough I am actually really optimistic about my future. I have a heck of a lot of school work but I am strangely really pumped up and think that I can make it.
This is what I have for you, my lovely friends, my co-WARRIORS in the faith and even anyone else who's reading this. Because, you know what? God is STRONG and He is doesn't want us to be miserable and just waiting for the day to be over. We were meant to live for SO much more. So be encouraged!!!! If you're thinking - my life sucks and I need an escape and there's no where to go - that's not the voice of God. He is in love with you. And wants the absolute best for you. Not something great, but THE BEST!
This is my prayer for you:
"And this is my prayer, that your love may OVERFLOW more and more with knowledge and full insight, to help you to determine what is BEST, so that in the day of Christ you may be pure and blameless, having produced the harvest of righteousness that comes through Jesus Christ for the glory and praise of God." Philippians 1:9-11

Tuesday, March 29, 2005

Where is the love?

I was reading Jonah last week (one of my favourite stories of the old testament) and it got me thinking.
At the end of the story, Jonah gets mad at God when God decides to spare Nineveh because he KNEW that God would have done that. He knew God was merciful, forgiving, slow to anger etc. and basically was really ticked off that God sent him there. I think that Jonah secretly must have wanted God to punish Nineveh. It would have somehow brought pleasure to Jonah.
This started the wheels turning in my head.
I started thinking about the church.
Generally (as I have witnessed) when new comers enter a church, the leaders and members of the church get all excited at the 'fresh bait' (k, i think that I still have the imagery of Jonah in my head. Haha)
Take for example - a non-christian couple that are living together. The church is quick to get them to repent of their sins, start living in seperate apartments, get bibles into their hands, get them signed up in a ministry of the church and basically sign the dotted line. Then go away patting themselves on the back and elbowing each other saying "we got anohther one! Praise Jesus."
Let's pause for a moment.
What did Jesus do?
How did he act?
What was His purpose for coming to earth.
To love.
As a church body, we are soooo quick to church-ify people. To plug them into the big full functioning machine, 'guiding' them to a life of purpose - yes that's right, you join the church, become and usher, clean up your act and you get - VOILA a life of purpose.
Does this not sound strange and oddly eerie?
I believe that we are called to LOVE above all else. People come to our church. Let's LOVE them. People are still having sex with their boyfriends/girlfriends. LOVE them. People are still smoking crack - LOVE them. I honestly believe that if we embrace and accept people, they will feel loved and at peace when they feel a part of the family. Then THEY will come seeking advice and seeking to change their lives. Out of .... you guessed it... LOVE.
Shame on the church, on me, for hauty eyes (sidenote, one of the 7 things that God hates) and casting judgement on people in our churches who don't appear to be 'getting their act together'.
We have a responsibility to love. Not to get out the big cookie cutter of christianity, and force people into it.
Love changes things - changes the world. Gettting people to look nicer, sing better, and fill up the pews doesn't. It makes everything prettier, but that is not what it's all about.
As my friend Nathan says "Jesus was ugly and people still loved him".
Let's stop worrying about the outside appearance. Get to the heart.

Tuesday, March 22, 2005

Haha. This made me laugh :)

Sunday, March 20, 2005

Happy Palm Sunday

It's funny how you miss certain things from your childhood. I remember when my parents were my corps offices (that's Pastors to all the non-Salvos), which was pretty much my whole life, we'd always have all the kids wave palm branches and sing "Hosanna" every Palm Sunday. I haven't been able to do that or see that in the past two years. It's funny, I never realized how much that was a staple to my youth.
It's good to be alive.
Although I have so much work to do, that it's not even funny, practices up the wazoo for our recording on April 1 & 2 (p.s. EVERYONE should come to that), and so many more things going on in my head, I am HAPPY to be alive. I am so thankful for all the blessings in my life.
I pray that you would draw close to Jesus today. He's trying to hug you - just hug him back :)

Friday, March 18, 2005

Stuff for Sale

I am slowly starting to do a Spring Cleaning of my place. And I came across a whole bunch of c.d.'s that I don't want anymore. I will list them and if you are interested let me know. I'm thinking $3 each, or 4 for $10. I'll be in the T-dot (everyone hates it when I say that...hahaha) for the Easter weekend, so I can bring some down. They are all in good condition, considering that I don't listen to any of them.

By Your side - Hillsongs
You are my World - Hillsong
Jars of Clay - If I left the Zoo
Acappella - We have Seen His Glory
Revival Generation '98 - WorshipTogether
WWJD - Compilation (I actually have 2 copies of this)
Roaring Lambs - Compilation
Amy Grant - House of Love (I promise not to tease you if you want this one!)
World's Best Praise and Worship - Integrity Music
Hokus Pick - The B-Sides
Point of Grace - Steady On
Every Nation, Tribe and Tongue - Bill Drake
Project 86 - Drawing Black Lines
Third Day - Consipracy No. 5
All I Need - Vineyard Music
The Insiderz - Skalleluia
The Insiderz - Fight of My Life
Newsboys - Take me to your Leader

Whigfield - Self Title
Elvis Costello and the Attractions - All this useless Beauty
Brandy - Never say Never
Celine Dion - Self title
Celine Dion - Let's Talk about Love
Savage Garden - Self title
Holly McNarland - Stuff
Backstreet Boys - Backstreet's Back
Jamie Walters - Self title
Luscious Jackson - Fever in, Fever out
Mariah Carey - Daydream
Mariah Carey - Music Box
Mariah Carey - Butterfly
Madonna - Bedtime Stories
The Tea Party - Edges of Twilight
The Juliana Theory - Music from Another Room
Big Hate - You're Soaking this In (still in its wrapper)

Wednesday, March 16, 2005

Okay, so I just realized that neither of my brothers nor sister (and others too...) will ever see my apartment, so I took the liberty of giving you a photographic tour. Hope you enjoy! This is my room (I am not including my roomate's room, or the computer room...because it's not so pretty)

exiting my room

La Cuisine

This is our thinking corner

my bathroom - ha, sorry again for the messiness



...sorry about the mess :P


Hello all
This is just to tell you to book off APRIL 1st and 2nd on your calendars. My gospel choir (Chorale of Reconciliation) is doing a live recording on the Friday and Saturday night. We've been practicing and practicing and then practicing some more, so that you will be super blessed when you come to hear us. It's going to be a great time. We're hoping for 800-850 people, so it should be an awesome time. See you there.

If you need more info, email me or comment.

Tuesday, March 15, 2005


Do you ever feel like you are the most complicated person that you know? Isn't it strange that so often we don't even know what we want? That we can't even tell what our true intentions are at times? Isn't that strange?

I've been going through a lot of self analysis lately... and it's making my mind tired.
Thank you LORD for knowing my heart and mind better than I know it myself. I trust you completely, and am delighted to give you full reign over my life, because I certainly don't know what to do with it! Amen

Shout out to my big brother Joel - what's the news on the interview?

Monday, March 14, 2005

I want to be inspired. I want to sink my teeth into life. I refuse to sit and and "balance out".

just some thoughts...

Sunday, March 13, 2005

My being pouty next to some of the 182 tulips that adorn my apartment (my roomate was proposed to last weekend...and I get to benefit!) But in all seriousness, the pain is getting less and less each day, so I have MUCH to smile about

The handicapped look is really in right now...

Concert of Prayer

Last night I had the privilege of going to a Concert of Prayer for the Tsunami Relief. It was such a blessing. At one point, we all joined hands and lifted up arms in prayer as we interceded for those on the other side of the world. I was moved to tears as we joined together and lifted our voices. I think that was such a beautiful image of what the church should be. There were people from all different denominations and different languages (french and english) coming together to pray for the world.
My choir (Choir of Reconciliation) performed two pieces and it was such an honour to be there. The service was in Montreal Citadel, so it was weird to see the army mixing and mingling with other denominations. I feel that strongly on my heart - that the army needs to partner up with other churches. There's so much beauty in diversity.
One of the coolest parts of the evening was when Luc Gingras sang. He's a well known french Christian musicianary :) He had learnt about William Booth and how he would take popular songs and put Christian lyrics to them. So we wrote new lyrics and we sang "Come Together". It was honestly one of the most amazing things. I can't remember all the lyrics now, but it was POWERFUL and we all were shouting out in the House of the LORD "Come together right now" - singing in unity. Ahhhhhh...

Another sidenote - he was wearing a touque and jeans (others in uniforms and what not) and he said - you might not agree with what I am wearing, or you might think that I am a freak, but all I know is that I really, really love Jesus. Amen!

Thursday, March 10, 2005


Today, I praise the Lord that I am alive and well.
Last night I was involved in a car accident, and now am suffering from whiplash (not fun at all), but I thank the LORD that I am alive and well. It could have been sooooo much worse.
And although I am in pain, and it's quite uncomfortable (I am loving the neck brace), I am full of joy because if I wasn't wearing my seatbelt...
Thank you God, for my life! Thank you for today and for your love.

Tuesday, March 08, 2005

The Serenity Prayer

I am working my way through this. But it's my prayer for this season of my life, and hopefully every season to follow:

God grant me the serenity
to accept the things I cannot change;
courage to change the things I can;
and wisdom to know the difference.

Living one day at a time;
Enjoying one moment at a time;
Accepting hardships as the pathway to peace;
Taking, as He did, this sinful world
as it is, not as I would have it;
Trusting that He will make all things right
if I surrender to His Will;
That I may be reasonably happy in this life
and supremely happy with Him
Forever in the next.

--Reinhold Niebuhr

Who will hear them?

How much do you really love your Nikes?

Monday, March 07, 2005

Good food for my soul

Isn't it funny how God keeps affirming things in our lives. Like when you go to a service and the message is for YOU. Or you open up your bible and it's exactly what you were looking for. It always brings a smile to my face and confirms in my heart that Christ knows EVERYTHING that goes on in my heart so well. Praise Him!

I mentioned briefly before that I have sort of given up on the Bible in a Year program. I am someone who does not like to feel pressured into things. I want my time with God not to be by a forced hand. Even if I have created the forced hand (strict devo schedule). Last night at church, the pastor said something in passing, but has really stuck with me. He said - pick a book and relax with it. If it takes you a month to get through Ruth - take that month! Don't rush. Relax in the word. It's funny because often as I am reading a passage, I think "I wish I could spend more time just researching the context of this, or meditating more on it". I think I have been to fixed on quantity. I want more quality in my devos.

I try to grow in my wisdom as I seek to be a child of God with integrity, so I have been reading (trying) to include a proverb a day and this morning God really spoke to me about a verse in Proverbs 11. Whoever diligently seeks good seeks favor, but evil comes to those who search for it (verse 27).

When I choose sin (sin IS a choice), I can't just dismiss it lightly. When I seek out evil (sinning), evil comes to me. Now there is grace (Thanks the merciful Lord!)but I need to "close the doors" that I have opened. I have invited evil into my life when I sin, so I must take back that invitation. I am talking about true repentance. Not to just say (and I am guilty of this) a pat forgiveness prayer. I believe that if I am going to transform my life and completely surrender to Christ and a righteous life, then I must truly know the consequences of my actions.

May that bring me before His throne in true humility where there IS grace.

Sunday, March 06, 2005

James 2:9

But if you show partiality, you are committing sin and are convicted by the law as transgressors. James 2:9

I am challenging myself. Do I show partiality in my life? Do I love blindly? Do I have my favourites? Yes, I do. Does God? No...

Just some thoughts.

Saturday, March 05, 2005

haha Posted by Hello

Friday, March 04, 2005

when nobody is watching...

I want to be a woman of integrity, in all that I do. I want to be the kind of person that when nobody else is looking, I am still equally fair, just, commited, joyful, and trustworthy. I don't want to just put on a happy face for others. I want authenticity in my character that is consistent.

I don't know if it's our human nature or not, but I know for me, it is easy to be fickle. I love "Romeo and Juliet", and in the third act, there is a scene (2) where Juliet is waiting for Romeo and says, "...So tedious is this day, as is the night before some festival to an impatient child that hath new robes and may not wear them." I know that I have issues with patience. I want to grab the bull by it's horns - live life to the fullest, to suck the marrow out of life, CARPE DIEM! I would much rather drink in life. Laugh, love, live. But it's hard to develop an intrinsic motivation sometimes. I want to be a diligent worker, taking care of all the details. I also want to sing, dance, fellowship, worship, and to be governed by love, not a legalistic and constricted life.

I am just trying to find that balance. To be free, but dependable. To be full of passion and yet grounded. To be spontaneous, but disciplined... I guess I've always wanted to have my cake and eat it too (Joel and Josh - no snickering!)

I was reassured in my devotions this morning - Psalm 37:4 "Delight yourself in the Lord and He will give you the desires of your heart"

Thursday, March 03, 2005

Night and Day

Today I am feeling completely different from yesterday. It's like night and day.
I woke early this morning and miracle no. 1 - alarm only went off once. Praise Jesus. I did the whole - put your towel between you and your alarm clock on the other side of the room - thing. It worked. Hope it keeps working.
Had a wonderful prayer time this morning. Really good. Got to pray for many people and seek guidance in my own life.

I don't know if anyone has any thoughts to contribute to this matter, but I've been trying to do the bible in a year program. It's been really rough. I feel like I am always catching up and rushing through. Plus I really really miss not being able to decide what I want to read. So... I think I am dropping that plan. I am still going to read 5 chapters a day, but this morning I really wanted to read Colossians. So I did. And praise God. I love Colossians. In Colossians 3:23 it says "Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for man". That's my prayer for today.

Jesus is my hope. He can change your life around, just like that. I am in a totally different head space today because I started my day off right - with Him. I am trusting God for fruit in my life from the Word of the Lord (Colossians 1:6), I am clothing myself in love (3:14), I am letting the Peace of Christ rule in my heart (3:15) and I am devoting myself to prayer (4:2).

Be blessed. Oh, and if you are praying for the saints today - Colossians 1:9-14 is really good :)

Wednesday, March 02, 2005


I think that I could use some prayer.
Someone once told me that you can't expect a miracle for something that God is asking obedience for.
I am really trying to be obedient. But I don't have it all together.
I just came from a wonderful reading week, and I know that historically you get a downer after such a great high... but this is very real.
I was just incredibly surprised by one of my exam marks. I thought I had aced it for sure, and ended up just barely passing it. I can't afford to fail a class. I am graduating in June. I need to do well. I want to be successful. You'd think after a whole degree I would have it figured out. But I don't.
I am also just feeling like I am letting everyone else down that's around me because I need to make more time commitments to school. Do I have time for tutoring? For more study groups? I guess I have to make more time... Does that mean sleeping less? Not working? Ahhhhhhhhhh.... For the amount of studying I do, it's really ridiculous that I am not getting good grades. I am a slow reader, but I must be doing other things wrong. I think I am just in a bad head space.
I know that I will feel better soon. It always happens. But pray for this time.

Trying to keep my head above the water, Kir xox

Tuesday, March 01, 2005


I went to see Constantine last night. I must say it was the most intense movie I have ever seen in my life.
Has anyone else seen it?
So much in there that I can't really get into it, but one thing that I found very interesting was the depiction of the devil.
He was dressed all in white. At first I was taken back, but then I remembered - Satan is disguised as an Angel of Light. Think about that...
Another important distinction between God and the Devil that was brought up in a scene (implicitly) is that the Devil does NOT know everything that is going on. Only God is omnipotent, ominpresent ... and all the omni's. However, Lucifer was portrayed as smart, sly, and smooth. Very interesting.
On a completely different note, one funny part of the movie (for me at least) was that Gabriel looked so much like David Bowie. Haha. Amazing.
Feeback - what are your thoughts, for those who have seen it?
I do recommend it, although it is frightening. The ending was crazy too. But that's all I'll say :P