Sunday, March 20, 2005

Happy Palm Sunday

It's funny how you miss certain things from your childhood. I remember when my parents were my corps offices (that's Pastors to all the non-Salvos), which was pretty much my whole life, we'd always have all the kids wave palm branches and sing "Hosanna" every Palm Sunday. I haven't been able to do that or see that in the past two years. It's funny, I never realized how much that was a staple to my youth.
It's good to be alive.
Although I have so much work to do, that it's not even funny, practices up the wazoo for our recording on April 1 & 2 (p.s. EVERYONE should come to that), and so many more things going on in my head, I am HAPPY to be alive. I am so thankful for all the blessings in my life.
I pray that you would draw close to Jesus today. He's trying to hug you - just hug him back :)


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