Thursday, December 21, 2006

Well said

"Don't believe me unless I carry out my Father's work."
- John 10:37 (NLT)

Well said. The proof is in the pudding.

Friday, December 15, 2006

One fear down

I have arrived here in London, Ontario, visitting Josh, Jenn, Dan and the rest of the 614 London crew.
It's been a great time so far.
My one concern (concern sounds too strong, but anyway) was that I used to have a real fear of cats, and Josh and Jenn have two cats.
I've never had any pets, so I am quite awkward around them. Usually this is amusing for others to observe.
The first night I was just surprised a lot, bcause I am not used to a moving object to come by my feet or run across the room etc. I am used to seeing mice, from my apartment, but cats are significantly bigger.
I had a breakthrough. The first night my face got scratched by the cats twice, but last night, the little kitten, Riley, came and laid on my neck. Normally this would have made me extremely nervous, but this time I scratched it behind the ears (something that Josh told me works well). The cat was purring, but I have NO idea that purring is like a whole body extravaganza. It's like its whole body was vibrating. Very weird. I guess that's common knowledge to everyone, but I have never really been close in proximity to a cat without crying or being petrified.
We started playing together and he ended up sleeping next to me.
One fear of my life - GONE! Praise the LORD. Ha.
It is funny, I admit. The kitty is pretty cute.
Other things in London are going well. Kneedrill last night was good.
I also met this couple who are very into the 24/7 prayer movement. Powerful couple. Powerful ministry. Talk more later,

Saturday, December 09, 2006

Waiting on the LORD

Praise be to GOD most high. Hallelujah.
I was in the War Room today (24/7 prayer room that's been praying non-stop for 3 1/2 years) and all I wanted was a quiet peaceful time with the LORD. I have been seeking peace to calm the chaos, and things were not going that way. People kept coming in, music was loud all over the place (the room is in a slum hotel) basically I was getting frustrated, and in the midst of this frustration, the LORD spoke. PRAISE JESUS!!!!
All I wanted to do was to wait on the LORD, so I looked up what the Hebrew meaning for "waiting on the LORD" and found such things as - to eagerly expect, to wait patiently for, to hope in, to trust etc. So despite me not being able to control everything around me, I could still control my posture towards the LORD. I long for the LORD. I eagerly anticipate Him.
I started singing "I will wait for you, Jesus, I will wait for you" over and over and over again.
There was peace. Shalom.
It was beautiful, even though a group of seven people came in while I was singing, there WAS peace. Thank you, YHWH for you provision. Amen.

Wednesday, December 06, 2006


I noticed the other day that there seems to be a double standard with some of the gifts from the Spirit.
For example - particularly with the gift of healing. When someone says "I healed so and so from this disease" or whatever, people are quick to say "You mean, JESUS healed them THROUGH you", mater of factly. Which is absolutely true that Jesus healed them through you, but we aren't always like that.
This is the same with salvation. "I saved three people last night." "You mean JESUS saved them through you". Again, this is true, however what about all the other gifts?
When people say "I taught someone about generous giving" we don't jump in and say "You mean JESUS taught someone about generous giving THROUGH you".
Or "You mean JESUS was hospitible THROUGH you". And this is all true. It is Christ that is in me that leads to anything that is good, because my flesh would not put others first.
My question is more to do with this difference between how we see gifts.
Any insight?