Monday, July 31, 2006

The War College

I had to give a short testimony of what the War College has taught me, so I thought that I might include it here on my blog as well.
Obviously this is a short synopsis and there's so much more to say, but just a highlight....

This year the LORD broke my heart for His children. He lifted the veil off my eyes to see that His love and mercy run deep. The calluses of my heart were shaved away as God brought me to a new level of prayer. The Lord showed me that I have a necessary role in justice, and revealed to me what the body of Christ really looks like. I needed to learn that we all need each other. Life is not about getting your stuff together so that you can function on your own; we are created for community.
The refiner's fire is hot, but God is gracious and compassionate.

For more info check out The War College to find out how you can live your life to the fullest this year.

(It's not for woosies. Ha!)

Wednesday, July 26, 2006


It was nice to be in Vancouver yesterday. I was just there for 24 hours, but was able to see some lovely faces that I've missed.
I forgot about some of the smells of my old neighbourhood.
Outside of the bottle depot (which has the motto - together we can. haha ) always smells of red wine. Each floor of the Balmoral with a distinct smell. The alleys the the stench of urine...
Entering in the DTES (Downtown Eastside) I got a surge of emotions. Brokeness - seeing some of my friends passed out on the streets, women caught up in the sex trade etc. Feeling relief to be back home. Feeling excitement to see faces. Feeling the presence of God. Feeling a righteous anger towards oppression, abuse and the spirit of Lust. (I was passing by a porn shop which is right next to my hotel and I actually said outloud "Yuck!"). In some ways it feels like I was snapped out of a numbness again. A real wake-up call. I didn't even realize that I was being numbed. I guess that's what apathy does. It creeps. Slowly takes it's hands and covers your eyes and ears. So sneaky. Be on guard. If you heart doesn't break over brokeness, don't dismiss it. Don't agree with it and do nothing. Cry out to God. He wants us to be turned on to His heart. Let's be alert. The latter part of Isaiah it urges the church to WAKE UP. Let's be that.
You don't have to be in a place like where I live to be fully alive. It's harder in suburbia - so much harder - to remain broken hearted for the people around. But, if you are called to be there, then be there and be ALIVE and AWAKE and IN TUNE to the Spirit of the living God.

I'm all for no more excuses. I repent from any apathy that I agreed with. I acknowledge that if I am not making a difference, then I'm agreeing with apathy.
There is no part of me that wants to partner up with that. Makes me feel disgusting just thinking about it. So I repent, and turn the oppostite way. I receive the mercy and grace of Jesus and His power (and only by His power) I am choosing to make a difference.

Thursday, July 20, 2006

Prayers for Israel

Today many of us in the 614 community are praying and fasting for Israel. I've already made a post on our session's blog (Holy session - check side panel for link), and I want to encourage everyone who reads my blog to join us in prayer.
I've posted on the other blog some Scriptures to pray through already, but if anyone has other suggestions, that would be great.
It's not just for today either. Let's rise up in prayer, Church!

As I've been praying today, I was singing at my keyboard and a song came out of it.
The verses aren't done yet - I believe they'll come as I continue to pray through the WORD, but here are the words to the chorus and bridge.
Please, join me in my prayer:

Shalom to Your people
Shalom to Your land
Shalom to the Bride that you died for
Shalom in Israel

Let faith arise
Let faith arise
Let faith arise

Sunday, July 16, 2006

I love the mountains, I love the rocks and rills...

Today I went hiking and swimming with Kristin and Megan.
Kristen is the one with the dark hair. She's also the cutest thing in the universe. We had a lot of fun :) I LOVE the outdoors.

Wednesday, July 12, 2006

Down to the last drop

During my time of worship this morning I was singing to the Lord and a powerful truth came out of it.
I was singing about receiving the love of Jesus - even when I don't feel like I deserve it, even when I ... you fill in the blanks. But the truth was - I don't want to waste a single drop of the blood of Jesus. If He is giving it to me, and I don't receive it, then I'm dropping it.
The blood that cost so much.
I don't want to waste a drop. So I'll receive His blood, receive His mercy, receive the grace that I don't deserve. Receive the FREEDOM!
If I am not living free, then I am not receiving His freedom.

Lord, I am truly thankful for each drop of your precious, precious blood.
Let me live to honour you. Let me live a life of gratefullness and thanksgiving.

It's all for you, it's all for you. I'm letting go, I'm letting go.
(from the worship song, "All for You")

Tuesday, July 11, 2006

Blast from the past

The Holy Rollers
And me and my bros - look like you are on something!
Good times :)

Saturday, July 01, 2006


I have been reading through the book of Judges in my devotions/rations lately, and there are a lot of "impossible" stories in there. Times when, without the hand of God moving, it would be completely impossible for something to happen. Gideon's army of 300, Samon, water out of a rock etc.
I was praying through the Scriptures and realized that so many of us get into a bit of a panic when big, impossible situations arise. We start to press in and pray and get all excited. I think that this is God's area of expertise. The realm of impossibility, that is, because when something definately cannot be accomplished by man alone, then God will get all the glory, not us.
I would even go as far as to say that we should constantly be making our lives impossibilities, because then God will be honoured and lifted up.
Let's shift the focus off of us, and back to the mountain mover.
Let us surrender our gifts, talents, goals, dreams, whatever, on the altar.

Not my will, but thine be done.