Sunday, May 27, 2007

From the Desert

"Who is this coming up from the desert like a column of smoke, perfumed with myrrh and incense" (Song of Songs 3:6)
"Who is this coming up from the desert leaning on her lover." (Song of Songs 8:5)

From a desert place, the LORD will reveal Himself. And then, after time, will lead us out of the desert, once we can lean on Him.

Thursday, May 24, 2007

Sorry I've been so lame

So I sort of haven't been blogging lately. Sorry about that.
My life has been going through some definite transition. But it's all good.
All the War College students are on their summer placements now. We've got a couple of them close by, but I'm going to miss the big chunk of them.
On Saturday Stephen Bell and myself drove Matt Armstrong and Holly Warren to Seattle for their placements. Good times. Holly hopped on a flight to go to Alabama. I actually don't know if she made it or not, but I assume the best.
Had lots of fun seeing the West (Joe that is). We all went to see Shrek 3 - Do NOT waste your money going to it. Not so funny at all.
The border was PACKED. sick.
After waiting three hours we finally pull up to the window and get the drill of questions, including "what are you bringing back from the states", to which I replied, trying to keep a straight face: "Three dozen Krispee Kreme Doughnuts". The guy smiled and let me through.
Things are good at work. Lots of people are talking about Jesus. Score!
Hung out with this one guy yesterday who wants to get saved. I dig that.
God has been working in my life. I want to be more like Jesus. I broke down and cried again last night. I hate everything in me that does not reflect Christ. It sickens me. LORD, lead me by your grace to a place where I know that it's no longer I that live, but Christ that lives in me.

Friday, May 04, 2007


I know that the LORD wants to usher me into a deeper place with Him.
I've discovered recently (I guess I was in denial?) that I find the discipline of solitude very difficult.
Unless it's completely silent and there's no computer, t.v., then I can sit for hours and read my bible and pray. But I am really distracted. Not even by things that interrupt me, but I just suddenly need to check something, or call someone or join a conversation etc.
I am an extrovert so I get my energy from others. I really want to be with Jesus. It's like I have ADD when I try to be still and listen to Him.
When I pray the bible I am fine, because I am moving and stirring my spirit, but I still need that quiet time where I sit with the LORD and hear what He has to say.
If anyone has any suggestions, or wants to pray, that would be sweet. I think that there may be something deeper. Why I always keep myself so busy and am just generally restless. I do get quiet times, but I always feel, always desire more and I want to give more.
Yahweh is in control. He is all powerful. I trust Him. LORD I delight in you and I long to be with you. Shower me in your grace and draw me close, that I may stand and sing your praises and declare your kingdom as long as I have breath.

Thursday, May 03, 2007

So here I am

Hey guys,
Sorry for not being on the ball with blogs lately.
So I am finished with school now - finally!
So for the most part I'll be going from 90 hour weeks to 60 hour weeks. Although this week I am at work for 33 hours, so I am a bit tired.
Oh yeah, I turned 25 last week. That's cool.
It was a good day. The night before I was co-leading worship at Cariboo Hill with Dan White. Good times. After that a bunch of us went to Denny's for my midnight birthday free meal :)
Next morning we had a late lunch and a coffee. I had a gig in the afternoon and then Dan and Tara made me supper. It was good. Then Darren and Ian took me out for Starbucks and we met up with Aaron White, Becs, Stephen Bell, Dallas and Karyn Baker.
It was a lovely day. Thanks to everyone who made it so.
I am really trying to relax and not do to much. Surprisingly (or not) I find that hard to do.
I go to bed around the same time as everyone else, except that I am awake about 3-4 hours before my days are just a bit long.
Please continue to pray for me. I want to really love life, love Jesus, and be an example of his Joy and Hope, not someone who is going from one tired schedule to another.
I am enjoying life...just still wrestling with some things.
I will post some pics soon.
Thanks to all of those who actually read this regularly. Even though I don't know who you all are, I still appreciate it. Grace,