Friday, August 31, 2007

Tony Campolo

Check this out.
This is from the show the HOUR. Not a Christian show by any means, but this interview is really interesting.

Tuesday, August 14, 2007

My Faculty Address ...(some words did get out)

Today I gave a faculty address to this year's session of the War College.
I think I got two words out before bursting into tears.
"The LORD loves you with an Everlasting Love".
I was a wreck. I just kept telling them how deep the LORD loves them.
Oh man... thanks to all of you who put up with that!
I was just trying to share the Father's heart. I'm a feeler, not a speaker!
My other two points were
2)To sift through everything and really take in what the LORD had to say this year. Have eyes to see and ears to hear Him. And...
3)Live by Micah 6:7 - Work for justice, love mercy and walk humbly with God.
Lots of tears. Revolution Session - know that you are loved by God and by me too :)

With all of this debriefing going on it really points out something that I've said many times, and it is something I try my best to live by - whenever you get a chance, talk GOOD about someone behind their back. It really builds up community and the body of Christ.
Weigh it up. Pray it up.

Saturday, August 11, 2007

OOB and then some

So much has happened!
Okay, I was doing some pier ministry at Old Orchard Beach in Maine - really really good times there.
The LORD was faithful.
We did "Spiritual Readings" on the beach, and there was such a diversity of people coming in. Some Christians needing some reinforcement prayers, some people who thought we were psychics.
So for those out there who don't know what the heck I am talking about, Spiritual Readings is something we do, people come in and we say something like "We are students of the LORD, and we believe that Jesus knows everything about everyone, so we are practicing to hear the voice of God and we believe He wants to speak to you, so can we practice on you?" then we'd listen and share a word, or vision, or scripture that God gave to us. Basically listening prayer.
Dude, God was so powerful and so specific. I know I teach this at the War College, but I was honestly so surprised at just how specific the visions we had were. People were like - you just told me to the tee what I did this morning, or you've confirmed things that I've been waiting years for.
Anyway - I was so excited about more pumped up about doing prophetic evangelism to come home and find out that my extreme prophetic class (ExPRO) has been cancelled from War College this year :( So bummed...
I've been in a period where I am trying to figure out what's important in my life.
Doug Burr taught a class once and said that you will be energized when you are working in your giftings. I am trying to sift through what the Holy Spirit has been showing and teaching me these last two years. I am pressing on and looking toward the goal. Hallelujah.
There's more to come...
Much love,