I have been reading through the book of Judges in my devotions/rations lately, and there are a lot of "impossible" stories in there. Times when, without the hand of God moving, it would be completely impossible for something to happen. Gideon's army of 300, Samon, water out of a rock etc.
I was praying through the Scriptures and realized that so many of us get into a bit of a panic when big, impossible situations arise. We start to press in and pray and get all excited. I think that this is God's area of expertise. The realm of impossibility, that is, because when something definately cannot be accomplished by man alone, then God will get all the glory, not us.
I would even go as far as to say that we should constantly be making our lives impossibilities, because then God will be honoured and lifted up.
Let's shift the focus off of us, and back to the mountain mover.
Let us surrender our gifts, talents, goals, dreams, whatever, on the altar.
Not my will, but thine be done.
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