Monday, June 19, 2006

It's not mine anyway

During my summer placement, I've had the opportunity to really recognize all of the 'lessons' that I've learnt this year.
One thing that has kept coming up these past few weeks is something that Aaron White, one of our teachers at the War College, taught us in his class. He teaches on Post Modernity, but I think this was more of a side note...nonetheless, I'll carry on.
He was talking about when his kids fight over toys or what not, and he teaches them "Well, they aren't your toys. They belong to Jesus."
I didn't really realize the impact that that lesson had on my life until now. All that I have belongs to Jesus. Someone I work with here asked me how I can be so free with my stuff - giving to people and and so on.
I responded by saying - "It's not really because I am a nice person or anything, I've just recognized that it's not really mine anyway. It all belongs to Jesus."
I keep having to remind myself of that. Whenever I get possesive of "stuff" that I own. When I start acting like a spoiled brat, not wanting to share what doesn't even belong to me anyway.
The other day I secretly smiled when I overheard someone echoing that same lesson. God is so good. Let's be good children and share well. With the people around us, as well as globally, with resources etc.

Freely we've received, now freely we must give...


Blogger sixonefour said...

Good Word Kirsten Ivany.

7:25 a.m.  

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