Worship is Warfare
I had a really cool time in the 24/7 prayer room here in Vernon. I've been reading through this book called "Worship Warrior", and really looking at different passages from the bible about worship and what happens in the Spiritual when we worship. Essentially when we worship it is warfare. It is hallowing the name of Jesus, it is exalting Him, bringing Him honour and praise etc. and in doing this it is loosing the power of the Lord - He loooooves faithful and obedient worshippers.
(I'm skimming a lot to quicken this post, but if you want any scriptures of anything just drop me a line, there's tons of stuff I'm skipping).
Anyway, the Lord inhabits our praise and when the prayers of the saints fill up those bowls in heaven (Rev. 5:8) they get turned over and crazy stuff happens. Praise the Lord!
Anyway, all this to foreshadow my big revelation... When Jesus was entering Jerusalem and the crowds were praising him and shouting "Hosanna!" and giving Him glory, what happend next? He went in to the Temple to 'possess' it. He turned over tables and basically took care of business. He could have done this so many times before. I believe that it was the prayers and praise and worship of His people that caused Jesus to do what He did.
Our worship is warfare. I think it's in 1 Cor 10:4 that says "The weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty in God for pulling down strongholds." When we focus on Jesus and praise Him, He does the rest, He wins the battles, He gains victory, He is freed up when we let go and let Him take over.
So let us RISE UP IN WORSHIP. Let us turn our eyes to Jesus! Who's with me?!?
every time i been in the war room, i have just put a cd and just worship.
I have heard a ton of great things about what's been happening in Vernon. The Talking Donkey is definitly on the must see list of Canadian 'churches'. Hope you have a powerful summer there.
"When we focus on Jesus and praise Him, He does the rest, He wins the battles, He gains victory, He is freed up when we let go and let Him take over."
Amen. How often do we forget this and loose site of our mission.
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