Thursday, April 20, 2006


We are taking a class on evangelism and are exploring different methods. This is probably one of the most uncomfortable classes.
Some weeks we go out and take surveys, some we ask people if they want us to pray for them, some we have tracts that we've designed etc.
I can do this fine in the downtown eastside, but we've been going out more into the city. It is so awkward.
Who voluntarily makes themselves uncomfortable. In reading my bible there doesn't seen to be any loophole in how to escape discomfort. I read further and I think I am pretty much convinced that if you are not uncomfortable at any time in your ministry, you probably aren't doing all that you should be doing. Jesus said that the world will hate you. That people will turn against you.
Kierkergaard said once "If you haven't been offended by Jesus, you haven't read him properly."
We try so hard in life not to offend anyone or push our beliefs on anyone. I've realized that I need to be put in those situations more often. We, as Christians are the only ones on this earth representing Jesus. If we don't - who will? If not now - then when?


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