Friday, May 19, 2006


Here's something that I wrote recently for my research project for Steve Court. Let me know what you think... (It's part of a project that Dan and I did together, so a lot of it came out from discussions we had).

In many of the Western Churches there has been talk of ‘Worship Wars’ ad nausea. A constant battle seems to have been underlying church dynamics and a power struggle has existed concerning whose preferences should be upheld.
Denominational attitudes have come into play and crippled the larger church body. Divisions concerning church government, theology and expressions of worship have enlarged the chasm that exists between different church bodies.
The natural and commonsensical notion of proximity would reveal how this not only brings disunity but prevents (or at least slows down) the process of reconciliation if there lacks an intentional effort.
We acknowledge that each “church” is in itself an expression of the body of Christ. Hence the term “a church body”, yet we also agree with the truth that all the Saints together make up a larger body – the Body of Christ.
In varying degrees we can see unity in local expressions of the body, yet there appears to be a more severe neglect of the imperative need for unity and reconciliation of the global church. We must have eyes to see our need for one another.

“If one part suffers, all the parts suffer with it,
and if one part is honored, all the parts are glad.”
1 Corinthians 12:26


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