Tuesday, June 06, 2006


Some verses have really been brewing in my mind lately:

"So then,since Christ suffered physical pain, you must arm yourself with the same attitude he had, and be ready to suffer too. For if you are willing to suffer for Christ, you have decided to stop sinning... So if you are suffering according to God's will, keep on doing what is right, and trust yourself to the God who made you, for he will never fail you."
- 1 Peter 4:1 & 19

"I am willing to endure anything it if will bring salvation and eternal glory in Christ Jesus to those God has chosen."
- 2 Timothy 2:10

Bless Him. Bless the LORD! Praise Yahweh!!

PS - I am not saying that I am in the midst of great suffering or anything like that. It's more of an awakening to my attitude.


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