Monday, March 07, 2005

Good food for my soul

Isn't it funny how God keeps affirming things in our lives. Like when you go to a service and the message is for YOU. Or you open up your bible and it's exactly what you were looking for. It always brings a smile to my face and confirms in my heart that Christ knows EVERYTHING that goes on in my heart so well. Praise Him!

I mentioned briefly before that I have sort of given up on the Bible in a Year program. I am someone who does not like to feel pressured into things. I want my time with God not to be by a forced hand. Even if I have created the forced hand (strict devo schedule). Last night at church, the pastor said something in passing, but has really stuck with me. He said - pick a book and relax with it. If it takes you a month to get through Ruth - take that month! Don't rush. Relax in the word. It's funny because often as I am reading a passage, I think "I wish I could spend more time just researching the context of this, or meditating more on it". I think I have been to fixed on quantity. I want more quality in my devos.

I try to grow in my wisdom as I seek to be a child of God with integrity, so I have been reading (trying) to include a proverb a day and this morning God really spoke to me about a verse in Proverbs 11. Whoever diligently seeks good seeks favor, but evil comes to those who search for it (verse 27).

When I choose sin (sin IS a choice), I can't just dismiss it lightly. When I seek out evil (sinning), evil comes to me. Now there is grace (Thanks the merciful Lord!)but I need to "close the doors" that I have opened. I have invited evil into my life when I sin, so I must take back that invitation. I am talking about true repentance. Not to just say (and I am guilty of this) a pat forgiveness prayer. I believe that if I am going to transform my life and completely surrender to Christ and a righteous life, then I must truly know the consequences of my actions.

May that bring me before His throne in true humility where there IS grace.


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