Happy New Year
I pray that 2006 will be filled with great blessings and a deep closeness to our Maker and King. Praise Him!
I brought in the New Year with some of the BoB (3 members missing...sniff, sniff)and some other wonderful Christians at North Toronto.
Tonight was one of the most free times I've had during worship. I still struggle with pretending others aren't around, or not worrying about what others may think. I was able to go to the back of the church, where there is a large open area, and just dance. I danced, mainly with my scarf (which to me was symbolizing the Holy Spirit) and it was quite liberating.
Worship is so beautiful. We get to worship God. A lot of times I take that for granted, but what an incredible opportunity.
The other night our family was having a worship session in our living room - Josh on piano, Joel on guitar, dad on cornet, mom and I on jimbwe, Crystal on the rain stick, and it took my breath away. I am so blessed.
I know that some people think that I emit this persona that I've got it all together. That I don't really need anyone. That I am super confidant in who I am and that I have everything I want.
The truth of the matter is this - I am a broken person, desperate for reconciliation with the Father. I stand in awe of Him who covers me with grace and allows me into His presence time and time again.
"Surrender" by Marc James
I'm giving You my heart
And all that is within
I lay it all down
For the sake of You my King
I'm giving up my dreams,
I'm laying down my rights
I'm giving up my pride,
For the promise of new life
And I surrender
All to You, all to You
And I surrender
All to You, all to You
I'm singing You this song,
I'm waiting at the cross
All the world holds dear,
I count it all as loss
For the sake of knowing You,
For the glory of Your name
To know the lasting joy,
Even sharing in Your pain