Jehovah Rapha - The Lord that heals
Praise the LORD! I am so blessed to be able to share this with you.
I have a friend named Jeffrey. When I met him, he was dealing drugs in the Downtown Eastside, and I was chatting with him and invited him to come and have dinner with me. He came, and was quite content.
From then on I would stop to talk to him on the streets, invite him out for coffee, and he would come and things were great. He confided in me that he had HIV. He showed me all the scars on his legs and different ailments on his body. My heart broke for Jeffrey.
Some time passed and I tried to visit him a few times at his room, but was never successful. More time passed I wasn't seeing much of him. I kept praying for him, nonetheless.
About a month ago I saw Jeffrey – he wasn’t looking so good. He looked very drugged up. Usually he is high on crack and friendly and jittery, but this time he was really sedated. Jeffrey found out that he had full blown AIDS. He told me that he planned on drugging himself up like that until he died.
I was on my way to Kneedrill (a weekly time of prayer and worship in our community) and cried out to God. All I wanted was to be able to see Jeffrey in heaven, and I didn’t know how that was going to happen now. I prayed for him to have hope, I prayed for healing. I wept.
I didn’t see him for a few more weeks. I kept praying and pressing in.
This week I saw him. Something was different. He weighed about 115 lbs last time I saw him and this time he was up to about 145 lbs. He was smiling and perky. I gave him a big hug and asked him how he was doing.
He couldn’t wait to tell me (and I can’t wait to tell you!!!) – Jeffrey is HEALED from AIDS! The doctors say “in fully remission”, but I can say, he is HEALED. Praise the LORD!!! Is that not the craziest most exciting thing ever?
Please pray for Jeffrey’s salvation. I believe this is his second chance at life.
We serve a MIGHTY God. He is our Healer. Do I hear a roaring amen?!? Come on church, let’s celebrate :D