My life has been like...a rollercoaster. To say the least!
The realization that I had recently was this - that God's timing is perfect. He allows you to see more and more as He equips you to see more and more.
Some things that I went through this week I would not have been able to handle if it had happend earlier. I don't think this is just coincidence.
As I move from one level in my life to another, God is right there with new things to show me, new challenges, new life lessons, new tears to cry (oh my!).
I guess you could say that I have been going through a lot of 'mental trauma' lately. But praise the Lord for people in my life who have been encouraging me and praying for me. I don't know where I'd be without the prayers of the saints.
I don't think that I will share exactly what I saw this weekend, because it's quite disturbing, but if you'd like to know you can email me. This all went down Saturday night, and through prayers and listening (thanks so much Dan and co.) God settled my spirit. In my ration time on Sunday morning I was reading 2 Chron. 18-20, and then prayed and for one of the first times of my life knew what it was to be in the fear of the Lord. God is powerful and nothing goes unseen, or unheard. He is mighty to save and all things are in His hands. Glory to Him!
I went to Cariboo Hill for the a.m. and p.m. service. I have been reading up about worship (from Numbers and Chronicles etc.) about Judah and all that jazz, and I know that worship is warfare. That as the people fo God raise their voices in praise, the roar of the Lion of Judah is stirred up. Hallelujah! So despite my brokeness I waged war with love last night. I danced my little heart out.
Thank you Lord, thank you Lord, thank you Lord. You are good and your love and mercy endures forever.
Praise be to Jehovah!