Wednesday, January 18, 2006

Yes, it's community living

This week started off a bit rough for me, but things are looking up.
At the War College, there are many things that get surfaced. All of that junk that you've been suppressing all your life, all of your shortcomings seem to be magnified... It's a painful process, but beautiful at the same time.
I have always been a pretty independent person. Depending on others is counter-cultural, and in my mind (and what society has drilled into me) is that when you need others, it shows weakness.
So when I feel lonely, or I'm going through something tough, the world says - suck it up, or journal it, or get loaded ... But living in community, with the mentality of being one member of a bigger body (we are all knit together, all joined as one body!)I need to learn how to go to people, lean on them. I know that I should "get" this. But when you really think about it, you lean on someone hard enough, and then you are in a position that you could fall. And here's the scarier thing, falling is inevitable, because nobody is perfect.
Trust is huge.

I feel like I should mention some things that I love about living in community, so that I don't give off the wrong impression. It's a beautiful thing, but tough. So ...
Things that I love about community here:

1)The wonderful feeling when you walk into re:Cre8, or Carnegie and someone knows your name and is excited to see you.
2)Being able to cry in front of others.
4)Dialoguing throughout the day about what God is doing, showing you, etc.
5)Learning how to love people.
6)Listening to great life stories.
7)Being truly thankful for the small (or not so small) things in life.
8)Watching people being transformed and growing in their gifts.
9)The Fun Patrol (wait...does that still exist? Dan???)
10)Praying with others and for others.

I'll write more later :)

Oh, and I am in a VIDEO check it out.


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