Awake, and sing
The LORD is gracious and compassionate.
It is good to be alive and well - happy, saved and free. Amen.
Just got back from two weeks in New Jersey, New York City and Harlem.
I was in a car accident today, but other than that I am healthy and extremely happy to see Rochelle and John as they are fresh from Zimbabwe here with us for the holidays.
I've noticed that Paul often starts his letters with a greeting and blessing of peace and grace to people. I stopped and thought about that. Many people in many walks of life are going through a spectrum of circumstances, but a true, deep blessing of peace and grace would be rich for anyone.
What if we greeted each other with grace and peace? What if we prayed that, blessed that, LIVED that out with each person we came in contact with.
We are so grace deprived!
In our community we always say "grace" when we leave each other, but often times it can lose its meaning.
We can become subject to trying to live without the need for grace. Ha! As if...
The LORD is gracious and compassionate.
We are ALL in need of the LORD. Bless me, Father, for trying to prove to you, to myself, to the world that if I try really hard, I won't need your grace.
I need it. I need your mercy, your love that is endless, your compassion, your strength.
I need you. The more I know you, the more I know that I need you. And I feel bad asking for more, yet I know, as you look at your children, it is with great joy that you pour it over us.
Cure me, cure us, rid us from this "Messiah Complex" that can bring death, haughtiness and decay.
Fill us with love, mercy, grace, and your peace. Let that emanate from us. Let it pour out, reach out to the lost, the broken, the lonely.
I run into your arms and lean fully. I find my solace there.