Monday, January 10, 2005

Now for something COMPLETELY different

I was reading from Genesis the other day, and came across the infamous creation story, but something struck me as quite funny actually. Read this passage

The Lord God said to the serpent, "Because you have done this, cursed are you among animals and among all wild creatures; upon your belly you shall go, and dust you shall eat all the days of your life..." Genesis 3:14

So if God cursed the serpent after Adam and Eve sinned, and now the serpent shall be upon [its] belly, then my question is... how did the serpent get around before that day? Did he bounce on his tail???

Just some thoughts :)


Blogger Boris said...

Actually, a good friend and I thought about that too a few years back. This is our picture of what he looked like:
- He still had his serpentine body
- He had two legs (picture a lizard standing on its hind feet)
- He had two short arms, kind of like a T-Rex.

You know the passage where the serpent tempts Eve into eating of the fruit of the knowledge of good and evil. Well, our picture of that is the serpent standing by the tree, leaning on it, supported by one short arm, one leg crossed over the over, and doing the "gun-pointing-thing" at Eve, saying, "Hey, there Eve!"

We thought it was funny :)

6:40 a.m.  
Blogger April said...

I think that the serpent prior to cursage probably looked something like trogdor
(ps. this is my all time favorite cartoon....)
It's funny because in my bible and western culture class we have been going over the creation story over and over.....people never cease to be fascinated by the thought of a snake walking upright....well, enjoy ;)

5:05 p.m.  
Blogger Esther Atkins said...

Okay..something I just thought of recently..and maybe this will sound completly ridiculous (well it kindof is..but anyways)

does the idea of a talking snake not strike anyone else as odd? like if adam and eve have spent all this time with all these animals and stuff..would the idea of a serpant coming up to them and just starting to chat away not freak them out? or if nothing else make them think..hmm..theres something different about this one...

8:04 p.m.  

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