Wednesday, January 05, 2005


I love guacamole. My sister knows this... I don't know how many others do too, but yes, I do love guacamole. That was the first thing that I learnt how to make since living on my own. I went to "The Three Amigos" this evening with Emilie and we have fajitas. Very delish.

It's funny... I had forgotten why I had started this whole blog ordeal, and as I was cleaning out my email account I ran across several emails, one in particular from my mentor's husband, while I was going through a really rough time around mid-October, encouraging me to journal. I have horrible hand writting (wonder where that comes from! so this seemed logical. Anyway, that was just the genesis of this net-journal.

God is good. To be perfectly honest, I've been finding it hard to get back into a structured devo time. You can keep that in your prayers. It's always hard getting back into a routine. BUT - some really cool things that I heard about today are...

My prayer-walking mission may be expanding. I go to this monthly city-wide inter-denominational worship service ( )in which I sometimes sing with the worship group, and otherwise am the photographer for the event. Anyway, they will be announcing and inviting everyone to come and join me in my prayer-walking. Isn't that amazing? I am so excited. Pray that people will respond! PLUS they have asked me to lead a prayer for our city in the service this Friday. GOD is good and faithful indeed. I am so blessed to be a part of His family.

Love and prayers to all of you on this freezing day in Montreal!


Blogger Boris said...

I was with you up until the "freezing day in Montreal"... it wasn't THAT bad! Man, it wasn't even -20 with the windchill factor! :)

Anyway, just wanted to encourage you, keep fighting, keep passionate and keep praying. This year IS significant (I know we seem to say that every year, but I think people are finally starting to get it). Every where you turn, there are pockets of people on fire for God across this nation... wait and see... the 24/7 prayer and worship centres WILL start opening. You watch! Be blessed!

7:08 a.m.  

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