Thursday, December 23, 2004

Money, money, money

Money, money, money
Must be funny
In the rich man's world
Money, money, money
Always sunny
In the rich man's world
All the things I could do
If I had a little money
It's a rich man's world

I used to smoke cigarettes. I started to help me deal with stress. I've always dealt with streess, being an over-achiever. One day I realized that I was honestly hooked and addicted to smoking. I hated that feeling. The feeling that something had control over me. It's grip was very strong. So that was the day that I decided to quit. Quitting smoking was the second hardest thing I've done in my life. It was brutal. And I gained like 25 lbs. by doing it, which definately didn't help.

Money. I am starting to believe has this same power over me. I am addicted to the pleasures it brings me. Yes,just because I am not a full fledged shoppaholic, or a gambler, or carelessly waste my money, I am addicted. Just as you can be addicted to cigarettes even if you only smoke a few a day (which unfortunately wasn't the case for me). The point is, sure, I can make myself feel better - atleast I am not as addicted to money as mr. so and so. Or my idols aren't as big, and they are not made of gold, but I still have them, and that's what counts.

This Abba song at the beginning is comical because money is not a funny issue in society. The more people are slaves to it, the more they take it seriously. Even in the church. Money has a hold on them. And most won't admit to it.

I have been considering going to the War College in Vancouver where my brother is. Praying about it, thinking, weighing things out. One of the most selfish and vain parts of this deliberating process was: I like to get new clothes. I like wearing make up and dressing up fancy to go somewhere nice for dinner. I like having a pair of earrings, or buying cd's. What if I go there and get convicted to sell it all. What if God is calling me to wear one outfit for the rest of my life? I warned you that this was vain...but honest. Does that not seem ridiculous? But it's true. I know that God will prepare me for whatever He is calling me to do. But I hold so tightly onto the pleasures and comforts that surround me. I like the life I have. I like the fact that I can choose what to eat, not forced by an economic restraint. I like that I can buy new shoes when mine get old. I like that I can own 20 shirts.

But the bible says that it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than a rich man to enter into heaven. Some of you may say - but you are not rich! Bull. I am. Statistics prove that if you have any money saved up for a rainy day, even if it's only 5 bucks, you are one of the wealthiest (something like in the top 20% or less...if you really want to know I can look it up) people in the world.

I love the movie Fight Club. Tyler Durden says "The things you own, end up owning you". It's true. Although God might now be calling me to "sell all [I] have and give it to the poor", he might call me to do that one day. What will happen on that day? Will I cry? Will you?

Money - how much does it own YOU?


Blogger Boris said...

Hey Kir,

I hear where you are coming from. And I DO NOT shortchange anything God is speaking to someone about money or giving it all away or whatever. But remeber Jesus came to give us life and give it to the fullest (paraphrase of John 10:10)! That means eternal life, but it also means a life we enjoy here on earth. If there was no reason for us to be here then God would have taken us to heaven the moment we received Him into our hearts.

Yes, money can be an idol. Yes, money can be as addictive as a drug. BUT, the Bible does show us how we can test where our hearts are. God gave us the whole tithing, first fruits and ther offerings to see if we control money or does it control us.

You know, when I first truly handed over my life to Jesus, it was through a VERY conservative Korean-based campus ministry. They had a poverty spirit over them. And so I though owning stuff was evil. I destroyed over $5000 worth of comic books and over 300 "secular" CDs, thinking it was what God wanted me to do... now granted there was some stuff in that I really should have gotten rid of... but no all of it. Anyway, God received it because at the time, my heart was all for pleasing God. But I have learnt that God wants us to prosper and be happy. He wants us to use our money for His glory. If I have an extra $10,000 on top of my home and eating well, and having good clothes, God knows, and I know, that if He needs it... I will give it. We need to be wise with money. We need to be as shrewd as snakes! Not a characteristic we normally associate with Christians.

Kir, you are obviously a great saver of money. You have a knack for denying yourself and saving up your money. God wants to use that skill to fund his Kingdom. His Kingdom cannot grow without money in this world. God plays by the rules, even though the devil doesn't. So as Christians we have to drop that lie that money is evil (the verse actually reads, "the LOVE of money is the root of all evil").

Simply make sure you are tithing, giving offerings as the Holy Spirit leads, and give your first fruits to the priests (if you want to know more about first fruits, go see this web-site )

Be super blessed.

8:38 a.m.  
Blogger Boris said...

I came across this, and I thought, hmmm, this could be helpful in shining some light on the whole money issue. It's from a "God's Promises" email I receive. The point: it doesn't matter how much we give... we need to simply make up our minds and give joyfully. If you give away all but it makes you miserable... maybe it's not form God or maybe there's serious issues in your life. Simply be honest before God!

God rewards those who give generously

How much of our resources are we expected to share with others?

"You must each make up your own mind as to how much you should give. Don't give reluctantly or in response to pressure. For God loves the person who gives cheerfully. "

2 Corinthians 9:7 NLT

To try to quantify how much we should share, or give, represents the wrong attitude. When we give from the heart, the amount we give doesn't matter.

9:04 a.m.  

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