Sunday, January 21, 2007

The Balance

Tonight I went to the evening service at Cariboo Hill Corps and heard a strong word from the LORD.
Michael Collins was talking about evangelism and our responsibility here on earth. The passage was the end of John 15 and the beginning of 16. The world will hate us etc. So some things surfaced, like fear of man etc. And fortunately the way that Collins preaches is interactive, so I actually put my hand up and asked a question.
"What do you do when you're not afraid of talking about Jesus, per se, but more afraid that you will mess it up and then turn that person off from Jesus?"
To make a long story short - I need to trust that Jesus is LORD and trust the Sovereignty of Yahweh. He is much bigger than any mistakes that I make. If I try to witness to someone, and because I am not perfect mess it up or whatever, that it won't be my fault if they go to hell. Does that make sense?
I was at the mercy seat weeping for the lost, and my prayer is that I would find that balance. I walk around my neighbourhood, or SFU or wherever and I know that people are on their way to either heaven or hell and shame on me if I don't do anything about it. BUT I am also not Saviour and I need to rest in His Sovereignty.
I think it was back at Camp Allegheny I was talking to either Tim or Jamie Miller about finding the balance in my life and they said something that really stuck with me. I am paraphrasing but in essence: "It's not about finding the balance and staying there, it's about the wrestle. God made it that way so that we are in constant need of communication with him. We're in relationship with Him and we'll always have to wrestle with the LORD in finding truth."
I pray that I would always "wrestle" with evangelism - that I would always check my heart and motives, the desire to do all that I can do to win the world for Jesus one person at a time, and also in recognizing that it's not by anything other than the POWER of God that will do that.


Blogger KiR said...

Hey Angela,
Long time...
Thanks for your point. I totally agree with what you are saying. Obviously there are different ways at impacting people. I wouldn't "evangelize" the same way at university as I do with the prostituted people that I see in the streets in my neighbourhood. The challenge that I see is that for most of my life I just pretend that hell isn't real, because if it is then it is so overwhleming to know that people are ACTUALLY going there. I absoluetly hear you in that we sincerly have to love people, not just convert people or whatever. It's about relationship. I just want to make sure that I am not paralyzed by expectations of society or with my ego or with the way that the world sees me. I am striving for obedience. And honestly I need to learn a lot from God about that. Trusting that if He says "go" then I will go. If He says "just listen and love" then I'll do that. But if He asks ms something that makes me really uncomfortable - like talking to people about Jesus where that is NOT the social norm - then I need to trust that and be obedient in that.
Let me know if this makes more sense or just adds to the confusion. I
I really do appreciate the feedback.

3:03 p.m.  

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