Saturday, January 13, 2007

Do you have an interpretation?

Last night I had a vivid dream, and I think it was from the LORD, but not quite sure if there's a deeper interpretation. So I thought I would throw it out there to see if anyone had any thoughts.
I was at a corps (church) in Ontario. I think it was Agincourt but I am not positive. I was sitting on the right side with my mom and my two brothers. We were worshipping the LORD and suddenly I saw Beth Pearo, a past corps officer of mine, turn around and wave at us. For some reason she wasn't in her uniform and she was standing alone. I looked ahead and I saw her kids in the front row and they were starting to get into worship. The band was playing but there was also some other music. I think it was piano and tambourines - a bit of a gospel feel. Anyway, the Spirit of the LORD started to fall and there was this excitiment, like electricity in the air and people were getting stirred up. Suddenly more people were coming in and I wanted to go and dance and sing at the front but I was cautious because it was a faily traditional corps. The rows were filling up and the preacher - who I think was Captain Bowls, an officer I knew from Ottawa who now lives in Germany - was speaking and encouraging people to let go of legalism, even things like staying in your seat. He said that there were new people coming in and we have to be ready and offer them our seats. Basically along the lines of being flexible. This lady in a wheelchair came up to my side. I was sitting on the edge of the row, and she was looking for a seat. So I told her that she could have mine.
I helped her out of her wheelchair and into the pew and then I started for the front to be with the Pearo kids.
While this was happening, my grandmother was at the front and was filled with the Holy Spirit. She took the microphone and started singing along. I don't remember the song, but I think it was an old Army hymn, or something but it had some gospel gusto to it.
I was really shocked by this because I think it had been a while since my grandma had sung in church, but I know how much she loves the Army, and of course, how much she loves the LORD. It was a great encouragement to my heart.
As I was worshipping the LORD and moving to the front, and as the pews were being filled...I woke up.

It was a rich dream, and even if nobody has any deeper interpretation, I was blessed by it. But I often make the mistake of assuming that it has no deeper revelation. There's a Capstone song that sings about us wanting to be the "dreamers of Your dreams". Let us dream!
So if you have anything to add or an interpretation, I am up for it.
Praise the LORD. Glory to the God.


Blogger Unknown said...

amazing dream!
I think God is showing you that major revival is coming to the Army. I have been having Army's revival dreams for a while, even though I am not going there now (we don't have one in town).
Cool thing is that God showed you that ALL GENERATIONS will be tocuhed by it- your grandma, your mom, you, your brothers and the other kids- notice how He showed them all.
The reason officer didn't have a uniform I think is because she will do something out of ordinary..she may not loose the uniform in real life, but she (or whoever she represents) will do something that everyone will notice. She was standing alone :shows that it takes only one person to come up front to set the whole place on fire.
I love the fact that you felt certain barrier to dance, yet your grandma broke the wall down- that's awesome!
The rows of the church were filling in.......until the Spirit of God showed it didn't fill in, because the presence of God and His anointing are the only things that will attract people in.
the fact that you helped a lady in a wheelchair shows your calling that you will help the lame and through you God will bring them closer to His heart. As you help them, you go closer to Him (moving towards the front).
The last sentence you wrote summurizes it all: "As I was worshipping the LORD and moving to the front and pews were being filled"....
God is attracted to our worship and our praise. When we worship Him and praise Him, it's like He is floating on the water. He's and His glory are too heavy for us to handle Him just on our own, that's why we need to worship (like's easier to hold heavy things in the water)...

I am sure you thought of it too and I pray it agrees with your Spirit. Amazing things God gave you to glimpse at. Revival is coming. The Scripture I had in mind the whole time is from Joel and Acts "In the last days, says the LORD, I will pour out my Spirit on old and young...."...

tell me what you think

thanks for sharing

10:24 a.m.  

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