Monday, October 09, 2006

Word about SIN

I was finishing off Ezra and starting of Nehemiah today and the LORD was downloading some revelation that I would like to share.
I am not an expert or a theologian, but here's the word from the LORD that I received.
Ezra and Nehemiah were men that really repented for their sins and this sin of their land. They didn't just say a little prayer - they threw themselves on the ground, they wept, they screamed, the mourned, they fasted. They did not take it lightly. Now, I don't think that they really were more sinful than we are, but I think that they just GOT IT. They recognized sin for sin and what it does to you. They knew that it was the thing that came and seperated them from the only true good thing in their life - Yahweh.
I've been praying for holiness a lot lately, and it's rising up more and more in me - a hate for sin. Not so that I can be pious and look down at others (not at all!) but that I can see how just a small portion of sin, a little bit of yeast if you'd like, can severely pollute you.
I want the refiner's fire to be hot. If I am not being convicted by the fire of the Holy Spirit, and I am not seriously pursuing a life of purity and a heart full of the love of Christ, then I won't really feel any strong inclination to do anything more than say a simple prayer (obviously it strikes to the heart - not just what I "do").
If I was in some serious refiner's heat I would weep and wail and grieve and mourn.
So is my water cooling off? Oh, LORD, please let this not be a case.
I pray for you to TURN UP THE HEAT under your bride, your church, your body, that we would know the conviction and be purified. LORD. Purify us like gold purified seven times over. Please, Jesus!!! Please.


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