Friday, September 22, 2006

He is Faithful

I figured out where I can get a mattress so by the end of the weekend I will be able to "Sleep in heavenly peace, sleep in heavenly peace." Glory, hallelujah!
I was/am feeling a bit like a lepor. Some people won't hug me, people carefully watch what I've touched so they can wash it afterward, it's actually really giving me a new perspective on things. Even when people first find out that I've had bed bugs for over a year, their faces can't lie. It grosses people out.
Last week I was over on the other side of the apartments and there was a bedbug in my shirt so I shook it out and everyone in the room was repulsed.
So, although bedbugs are leprocy are not exactly on the same level, I can definately get a very small glimpse into their lives.

On a completely different note...
I am now working at Starbucks (following in my brother's shoes) and mainly doing mornings. This means I have to wake up at 4:30am. So this week I reached a new level of delerium. When I get tired, supposedly (according to Olivia Munn, my roomate) I get a lot funnier. I am glad that there is an upside.
But, despite the tiredness, the LORD, Yahweh, has shown Himself strong. I lead worship at Kneedrill this week and I was sort of chuckling as I was praying because I knew that my energy was spent, meaning that whatever was going to happen HAD to come from God. And, as always, He was faithful. I was giddy. The Spirit stirred us into a beautiful time of praise and worship to YAHWEH.

In all things, ALL THINGS, I will bless the LORD and proclaim that He is faithful.


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