Friday, August 12, 2005

My big sis

I had the wonderful opportunity to spend last night hanging out with my big sister. We had the night off, so I headed down to Regent Park for some good times and a sleepover.
I love my sister a lot. She has such a big heart for people and is really good at loving them.
During my frantic last weeks of finals for summer school she came to spend a few days with me in my apartment in Montreal.
We definately had some adventures. Hiking up Mt. Royal in my flip flops and a skirt - woohoo! (I should mention that I didn't know we were going to end up hiking)
Despite the fact that I was in classes for most of the day, we got to have some great talks and walks.
I am so blessed to have her in my life.
This fall her and John (husband) are moving to Zimbabwe for three years. That's a long time :( This has been Rochelle's dream since she was a little girl - to live in Africa. I am so happy for her (for both of them) that one of her biggest dreams is coming true.
To see what they're up to and what they will be up to, check it out:
  • John & Rochelle's blog

  • It's getting a bit emotional as the transition is taking place, but I know that God's hand is upon it.
    Rochelle, I LOVE YOU!!! (You too, John :P)You WILL be missed!


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