Saturday, July 30, 2005

Edmonton --> Camp Woodlands

So we left Edmonton on Monday. My sermon went well I think. It wasn't nearly as scary as I thought it would be. I think I need more practice and I'll get the hang of it.
Edmonton was great. Some social highlights - West Edmonton Mall, movie game, good chats in the car with team & supervisor.
We were whisked away to Camp Woodlands via plane (sounds so exotic, doesn't it? haha). Our team led worship for a teen camp, did cabin devos for the kids and staff devos as well. It was a good time.
There were these two girls (twins) that were really not getting into the camp at all and I hung out with them and built some relationships. We went canoeing together in these hidden tunnels of water amongst the fields of the prairies. It's hard to explain - they were so well hidden. Anyway, it was quite an adventure. I love stuff like that. Sports that are not about winning and losing.
I also just finished reading the book that's been on the side panel of my blog for ages: Searching for God knows What. It really is an amazing book. I highly recommend it, and I'll be talking more about stuff that I got out of it next time.

Our team has arrived here in Winnipeg and are here for 10 days. The three of us cooked for 200 people for the drop in. Cooking for 200 people is harder than it sounds. It was...interesting!
We got a tour around the areas where they try to help out. We were driving and I caught sight of this body, so we stopped the car and the guy we were with went to check if he was alive, because he was tucked under a building and we couldn't see his face. He was breathing but unconscious so there wasn't much we could do. The big drug problem here is solvent use. People drinking Lysol etc. to try to numb the pain. Obviously it takes quite a toll on their bodies. So sad...
It's increadible that we get the opportunity not only to see these things, but to see the hope as well. We get to walk alongside the workers of the Salvation Army who are doing incredible things to bring hope to these people.
Please continue to pray for the work of the Salvation Army in these Urban areas. They need workers and some financial miracles as well, but they are bringing light to dark places. Amen.


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