Wednesday, July 06, 2005

Incarnational Living

God is good.
This will be quick because I am in someone's office that I don't really know.
Over these past two weeks God has really been teaching me so much about who He is and where He is.
I remember doing a studying on "Experiencing God" a while back and the thing that i took from it was - Find where/what God is blessing and joing Him (rather than just asking Him to bless where you are).
I feel so blessed to be able to come and see where God is moving. To see Jesus in all walks of life.
I am not so pretentious as to believe that I am going out as a middle class white hero to bless those lowly poor people. Not at all. I have come to see the face of Jesus. I have come to be blessed by them, to learn from them, to have my heart broken at seeing the broken body of Christ.
I will write more later, but one really cool thing that I heard this week that has been rolling around in my head, echoing over and over was a quote from Mother Teressa. She was asked "In looking at all the poverty and devastation in the world, how can you say that there is a God?" to which she replied "Don't you dare blame that on God. There is poverty and devastation in the world because God's children refuse to share!"



Blogger Agent of Renewal said...

Please pass on blessing to Dana and Jono - you are covered in prayer big-time.

Praying for your fall.

Would like you each team member to write an article on their experiences. Would be God-glorifying, help transition/prepare for the next team.

love, dad

6:46 a.m.  

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