I am just coming out of a beautiful prayer time with God. It was/is so beautiful. One of the things that I love the most, and feel a strong call for in my life is to pray for the saints. (Now for all of you non-Christians out there reading this, that doesn't mean for like St. Francis or whatever. In the bible it says that all of those who follow Christ are called saints.)
I always get moved to tears as I pray for men and women to rise up and join God in what He is doing. I pray specific scriptures over them, and sometimes am lead to pray for specific individuals. It was truly a precious time. I haven't been able to do that in about a month.
It was good to also surrender some stuff to God in my own personal life. A lot is going on, but I trust the Holy Spirit to lead me. I even prayed that famous father's prayer "I believe, and help me with my unbelief". I don't know for certain what is in store for me next year, but I know that God's love for me is so deep and tender that He will guide me, and even when it seems I am 'blindfolded' and can't see what's ahead, I just squeeze His hand tighter, and know He's leading me to good things. Amen.
You are called.. Isn't God amazing? In His presence, I am overwhelmed to the point of bursting..I am praying for you as you consider what to do in the fall.
Love you.
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