Things that make me smile
*JESUS*, photography, piano, tulips, guitar, singing, travelling, art, avocados, the smell of barbeques, a good cry, really juicy peaches, singing with strangers, brie & baguettes, movie quoting, cracking my back, walking barefoot on grass, laughing ridiculously, piggy back races, purple headed mountains (that was a John Rutter reference), picnics on the beach with chinese take-out, swimming by moonlight, mud sliding after a storm, cherry picking, solving riddles, BIG sleepovers - like on camp breaks, listening to someone play for me, dancing through the sprinklers on a hot day, marguaritas at the three amigos, watching movies starring either Michael J. Fox or Corey Haim, kayaking, a really good stretch in the morning, finding money in my pockets that I had forgotten about, discovering a new song that I love, sharing a funny moment with a complete stranger, campfires, red seedless grapes, jaket weather, good snuggles, orchids, jamming, blowing bubbles, soft kisses, hazlenut lattes with cinnamon on top, getting butterflies, flossing my teeth after eating corn, jumping in puddles, getting letters in the mail, finally getting a joke like 5 minutes late and I'm the only one laughing, crunching leaves under my feet, someone drawing pictures with their finger on my back, waking up and realizing I can sleep in more :)
Those are just what I could think of right now.
soft kisses...I never want to hear about that again!
Disgusting. Any boy that leaves a comment about that gets a broken nose.
-love joel
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