Wednesday, May 04, 2005

stress of my life

So yeah...
This is probably going to be the most stressful month of my academic life.
I am taking two full courses this month and preparing for another final supplimental exam for a course that I unfortunately need to graduate and found out that I have failed it for the second time.
I almost fainted this morning. I think my body is just screaming for rest. But I think I just need to suck it up and endure this month. I have an exam on Monday and I need to find a tutor for the supplimental exam at the end of the month and there are a thousand other things to do (like buying hungry!), but I want to be DONE with school.
Please pray for my physical healing. I have had a wicked cold for a month and it seems to be getting worse right now (just what I need). Pray that these profs and the dean will allow me to take this supplimental exam. Pray that I will be able to find a good (inexpensive) tutor who will help me pass this nasty exam. And pray that my head doesn't fall off!!!
Thanks guys. You all rock. Most of the day I seem to remain pretty "together". I just have a few break-down moments.
I'll keep you poste ;)


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