Monday, May 02, 2005

Love beyond boundaries

I've watched two movies really recently that have almost paralyzed me in thought.

Happiness - The most disturbing film I have ever seen in my life. But while I was watching it, I kept thinking - God's grace is so great to forgive even these people. That astounds me.

Saved - My heart breaks for all of those who have felt condemned or unloved because of Christians in the world. Those who "claim" to be doing the will of God. Those who stand and protest at gay rallies, and who heckle women going into abortion clinics, calling them sinners. Those who are made to feel that they have fallen out of the grasp of God's heart breaks for them.
I just finished watching it, so it's all fresh in my mind. I was formerly at a church where I was made to feel unloved and unaccepted (by some) for following the path that I knew God had for me. I can't even imagine the multiplication of the pain felt by those who have not been raised by and supported by true Christians who love you and hold you through thick and thin, without a judgemental, condemning heart.
My heart aches...but I know that this pain has a purpose.

JESUS love you. He loves you if you are struggling with pornography, he loves you if you are suffering from an eating dissorder, he loves you if you are pregnant out of wedlock, he loves you if you are gay, he loves you, he loves you, he loves you. There's NOTHING that you can do that will make God love you less. Nothing. If you have been burned by christians, I want to ask for your forgiveness on behalf of them. I am sorry that you were hurt and if you want to talk more about it you can drop me a line. I'd love to hear from you. Be blessed and be confidant that God's love and grace are beyond what we can even imagine.


Blogger Boris said...

Finally, someone who has seen SAVED! I saw it when it first came out in theatres and I just loved it. I know that it was made to mock the legalism and hypocrisy of Christians at times... but do remember, it was a comedy.

Nevertheless, I know what you are saying. And I absolutely agree. We as Christians have hurt others, have pushed them away from God rather than towards Him, have been too harsh, too legalistic... but we ARE human... and--thank God--HE knows that. He uses everything and makes it work for good. That's why He's God and not us.

I agree we need to ask for forgiveness... and we need to be more understanding. Heck, I know better than others what porn and (I don't know if I should write this word oon your blog so I'll "bleep" it out but I'm sure you'll understand what it is... just to keep your "G" rating :) m@$%!#*&0^$ can do to you and the people you love. But I also know how much God loves me and how He saw past my sin and mistakes, even when others did not fully understand, nor were they fully willing to forgive and forget. It doesn't mean it's ok for us to stay there... absolutely not... not as Christians, that's for sure. I wish I could remember the reference, but the Bible does say we are not to judge non-believers, but we are to judge believers... judge meaning that if someone is in sin we need to correct them and help them see their error.

Anyway, all that to say that we all need to grow in our maturity in Christ. We are not perfect... no one is. No one has the perfect church. No one has the perfect doctrine. Only God does. BUt that awesome thing is that God uses all of us. He never wastes anything. Even these "anti-abortionists" and anti-gay people remind us that sin should not be accepted... of course, their methods leave much to be desired.

Anyway, I have a ton more I can write but I'll leave it as my 25 cents worth :)

1:11 p.m.  

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