Tuesday, June 14, 2005

Sometimes I wonder....

It's funny. Lately I have been wearing clothes that I know make me look fatter, and I haven't been wearing make-up. I think I am trying to worry less about what I think other people are thinking of me. So walking around knowing that I could look better (in my mind) will eventually make me more at ease and less self-conscious.

Does that even make sense?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Kir..can't wait to see the new improvd you! Heehee!
I hear ya..I guess the key is to find balance between both extremes. It is good to take a break from all the things that help us feel more acceptable; make-up, cool clothes, etc..at the same time..there is really no merit alone in not wearing those things..it's our heart that needs to change. Just my two cents...
It's cool that you are challenging all that!

9:23 a.m.  
Blogger KiR said...

Yeah, I guess it's just the case that I have always felt embarrassed if I didn't look "good". I want to be at a point where I don't care. I guess I've been studying OCD and a lot of their therapy consists in exposure. If you FREAKED out contamination of being in a public place, they leave you in a hospital for like 2 hours, so that your brain (mind) will say - hey, I am here and I am not getting sick.
I am trying to wear what I would think is gross so that my mind/heart can get to a place where I say - hey, it really doesn't matter...because essentially it doesn't. But the constant media brain washing. I digress.

12:52 p.m.  

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