Being Stretched
There is so much that I want to say, and each time that I sit down to write a blog I know that I have limited time. I am trying to be more regular in my blogs, but thank you so much for your patience (I need some patience with myself aswell).
I go to cell on Wednesday nights and we meet in an apartment (mine is at Cherie and Aaron White's house) and cell is a time to invite people from the DTES to come and have a home cooked meal, some fellowship and prayer.
Tonight we were talking about the passage of Scripture when Jesus walked on water (Matthew 14:22-33). Some things that I recognized from that story as I was listening to it being read was that Jesus often comes to us in unexpected ways. I am guilty (as I pressume a lot are) that I get into a funk, from time to time, in expecting to hear from God is the same ways that I have been. Lately I have been inviting the Holy Spirit to speak to me in new ways, and He has been faithful. Tonight was a nice nudge that I have to ask for open eyes to see and open ears to hear him in new and wonderful ways (Jeremiah 33:3 - read it!)
But the most important thing that I got from it tonight was concerning Peter. When Jesus came near the boat, it was Peter who asked Jesus to call him out of the boat and walk on water. Peter chose to be challenged. He chose to be stretched, and of course Jesus then called him out of the boat once Peter had asked him.
Where am I being stretched in my life right now? Where can I be stretched more? Even this week?
Being at the War College is stretching as it is, but after some reflection, here is what I got. So feel free to pray for these areas of my life where I am asking the Lord to continue to stretch me.
NIGHTLIGHTS - This is a program that I am involved in Saturday nights from 9:30pm-11:00 and it's a ministry to prostituted persons. I always find it stretching and pushing me out of my comfort zones. The Lord is breaking my heart more and more for the people that we meet and the things that I am seeing/hearing.
OPEN AIRS - We do this on Friday's at about noon our time. I find this a challenge because I really want to be getting the gospel out in the streets and not be ashamed, but there's a balance (maybe it's just me) of knowing whether I am fighting for the right to be able to speak freely about Jesus, or whether I am burning bridges. I am also being humbled and learning to swallow my pride and sacrifice reputation for the sake of the gospel. (I think I need to read that Martyr book that dcTalk put out...)
INITIATING CONVERSATIONS - I love talking to people, but find it so socially awkward to acutally initiate conversation. If I am in an elevator at my hotel, that's a bit easier, but when we're doing prayer walks, or street combat (walking around the neighbourhood to meet people and build relationships) I find it hard to go deeper than a "hello". I thank God that He puts people in my path to talk to me. I LOVE talking with people, it's just hard to get the ball rolling sometimes.
Anyway - so there are my three areas of stretching. I am asking the Lord to 'call me out of the boat' this week as I welcome His Hand that will mold me and make me to be more like the woman that He intended me to be. Amen.
Hey You,
I got your message last night, so sad I missed your call! SO good to hear your voice! I was giddy, I was! Glad to have more specific ways to pray for you! I miss you a lot and certainly will continue to pray that God will protect you and strctch you too!
Much Love
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