Saturday, March 24, 2007

Rough day

It was a rough day today...
Someone in my neighborhood was killed today in front of two little children. This was right by where we do Re:Cre8 - our local coffee shop run by 614 Vancouver. The whole block was quarantined by the police. When I went after work everything was cleaned up, but something else had happend and a woman was being taken to the hospital. I was starting to get overwhelmed so I walked home and on the way saw two crippled people fighting each other with their canes and crutches.
I was trying to sing. Trying to pray. Trying to see some hope.
Some days are just more rough than others.

Please continue to keep the DTES in your prayers.



Blogger Karyn Baker said...

Funny - I popped in here because I was thinking of you today. Guess there was a reason. May your sensitive spirit never be hardened by what the enemy will try and convince you is never-changing. God is supreme, even in the DTES. Love you, Kirsten. In the immortal words of Red Green, "Keep your stick on the ice." :)

9:08 p.m.  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dear Kir,
Never, never, never give up
your faith and hope. God is with
you. He is going to do something
miraculous. Remember that Jesus
raised Lazarus from the dead.
God can do what He says He can do.
Sometimes all you can do is pray
for more faith. Pray for yourself
when you feel discouraged. Come out of your sorrow. I know it may
seem impossible. But that is your
mistake. Nothing is impossible.
Choose to hold on to that truth.
I think you are incredibly compassionate and caring. God wants to show you something
beautiful today. He sees the sparrow fall and knows your anguish. He is there. Take a look. I will pray for you and the people where you are. I knew you when you were a little girl. So innocent and beautiful. You are so precious to God and Jesus and They are so
pleased with your work. I know this for sure. How can They not be
pleased. You are love in action.

Love and Prayers, Nancy

6:23 a.m.  
Blogger sixonefour said...

that's not normal babe...

2:36 p.m.  

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