Sunday, April 08, 2007

I am alive and well

Just in case you thought that I dropped off the face of the planet - I am alive and well. Busy as anything, but alive.
I just finished all of my classes and now I am into the official exam period of school. Fun stuff.
It will all be over April 21st. How I am looking forward to that day!

We celebrated Passover this Thursday at Kneedrill. It was good times...up until Aaron White remembered that I don't do very well with things being thrown at my face. You see, I have heightened reflexes when people throw things at my face, so once this was found out - it was taken advantage of. There was some bread that represented sin. We were suppose to throw it out, but no, everyone threw their sin at my face. Typical.

Tonight was a good night. I was able to relax a bit. Me and some of the boys watched U.F.C. at a pub close by. Watching Ultimate Fighting Championship always paves the way to good chats about who can take on who in our corps :) We've got some good matches.
Feel free to share your thoughts.

Nothing too deep... maybe some pictures soon?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Good times, good times.

Kir thinks she can beat up Olivia in a walk.



1:53 p.m.  
Blogger KiR said...

In a walk? I said that I could beat her if we faught in UFC (Ultimate Fighting Championship). Maybe I could beat her in a WOK...

2:07 p.m.  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"In a walk" is fight terminology for "relatively easily", as in a "cake walk." In other words, you think you'd crush poor Livi.

10:20 p.m.  
Blogger KiR said...

Oh, I see...
then yes...I agree

3:46 p.m.  

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