Wednesday, February 09, 2005


I feel like such a hermit. I have four exams next week. Four in one week! Boo. I've been spending so much time reading and studying in my apartment and Second Cup. 4 hours a day, not including classes. I want to finish well because I'll be graduating McGill by the end of June. Praise the Lord!

I am definately craving some social action but, I have to be a good girlie as my mom would say and keep my nose in the books. My gospel choir came over for practice tonight. Always a good time. When we were done our rehearsal I put on some Snoop Dogg. I was working on my dance moves. Haha. Classic. Emilie, you're hilarious.

Because of my serious lack of a social life I don't really have much else to write, except everyone book off April 1st and 2nd on their calendars because we're doing a live recording c.d. with my choir. It's going to be da bomb! Be there :)



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