Monday, November 22, 2004

things on my mind

Blue like Jazz. You should read it. My big bro gave it to me upon turning 22 and I read it in one sitting. I keep taking it out and reading quotes to people who stop by my place. I am a walking spokesman, but it's like when you find a really good deal on something, you want to share it with others. Donald Miller is so candid and clever with his words. He speaks so many truths that are too often left unsaid.
Here's just one quote
"I used to get really ticked about preachers who talked too much about grace, because they tempted me to not be disciplined...I believed if word got out about grace, the whole church was going to trun into a brothel." (page 79) "Rick tells me, looking back, that he was too proud to receive free grace from God...Though he understood that God wanted nothing in return, his mind could not communicate this fact to his heart, so his life was something like seemed wrong for me not to have to pay for my sin, not to feel guilty about it or kick myself around...I wanted to feel as though I earned my forgiveness." (page 83)
Holy cow...I see myself in so many pages of this book.
I need grace, and I need to repent of my pride. Everytime that i delay asking for forgiveness because I want to scream at myself and sit myself in the hot seat being lectured in my own mind. But what the heck, God doesn't want me to do that. He would rather have his kid killed than have me pay the price for my sins...think about that!
So today, I receive free grace and man do I need it. When we are secured by grace, it gives us freedom to fail. I need to learn that. God is much more concerned with my character than he is my comfort, my resume, my report card. He is changing me, refining me, rebuilding, restoring me. In the larger scheme of things, the bigger picture, I know that God DOES work through ALL things for the good of those he loves. I embrace his grace today. For it is what makes the air sweet, and puts the smile on my face. My redeemer LIVES.
If ever I loved thee, my Jesus, tis now


Blogger the reeser said...

cool. i just bought the book, but haven't had time to read it yet. grace is the greatest and most unfair thing that God has given in our favor. although, pretty much everything he gives us is unfair in our favor.

7:58 p.m.  
Blogger Leslie said...

I came across your blog tonight via Josh and Phil..very cool! I love that book too, definitely a fave! There are so many treasures in there. I love the description of hell--really made me think.

6:14 p.m.  

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