Sunday, November 21, 2004

sometimes life just gives you lemons

So here's the thing. I'm going to get honest. I am not doing well in school this semester. And another fact about me - I don't deal with failure very well at all. It's just one of those things. And I need to share that my flesh is SO desiring to give into the temptation to start worrying, being irrational...jumping to conclusions...
So here's my weakness - out on the table for all to see. I believe that there is POWER in vulnerability (I told someone this morning that I was going to write a book about that one day...).
Please agree with me in prayer against the spirit of failure. Help me to really believe and know in my heart that the Lord will work through ALL things. That He will provide a way where there seems to be know way. That I would really be wise, and that I would be able to comprehend and retain the information for my courses. Here are some specific prayer targets if it helps. Thanks in advance!
Coming up -
Existentialism paper on Simone de Beauvoir on Wednesday
Genes & Behaviour paper due the 30th on O.C.D. (this is a biggie - scary!)
Tutoring for my statistics class (I REALLY need to get a good grade on the final)


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